You’ve just installed Ubuntu or another Linux distribution on your computer. Now what? Read this article to help you avoid common mistakes new users make when installing Linux.
Linux is a great operating system, and it’s easy to see why so many people are turning to it. You can install a variety of distributions on your computer, or you can even roll your own from scratch. There are many different ways in which you can use Linux; however, most first-time users don’t realize how much there is that they still have to learn until they experience some common mistakes:
- Trying to Do Everything at Once
- Getting Root Access
- Not Learning What root Does
- Being Afraid to Use the Command Line
- Installing Only One Distribution
- Overlooking CLI Applications and Terminal Emulators
- Linux is not the same as Windows, but you can learn what makes it great.
- Thinking Linux and Ubuntu Are the Same
- Conclusion
Trying to Do Everything at Once
You should not try to learn everything at once. This is a common mistake made by new Linux users, who think that they can get their feet wet by learning the basics and then move on to more advanced topics. This can be a fatal move for some people, because it means that you won’t have any idea what kind of problem-solving skills you need in order to complete the task at hand.
If you are unsure about what kind of computer skills are needed for your job or project, take some time before moving forward with your plans so that you can figure out where exactly those skills need development before trying out various projects involving Linux-based systems (like setting up servers).
Getting Root Access

If you’re a Windows user, the concept of root access may be new to you. But in Linux, this is the equivalent of having administrator rights on your computer. You get root access when using sudo or as an unprivileged user (if your computer has been configured with that feature).
If you’re new to Linux and don’t know where to look for these privileges, try asking around for help from
Google Or friends who have already installed it; chances are good that they’ll have already done so and can show you how!
Running as root is dangerous because it gives an attacker full control over your system. This includes access to everything on your hard disk, network connections, and even other computers connected to your network.
Not Learning What root Does
This is a mistake that people make because they don’t know what root does.
It’s not just “superuser” or “root.” It’s literally the highest privilege user on any system. If you’re running Linux and you have no idea what this means, then you need to learn it, because without knowing how to use root privileges properly (or even worse, not using them at all), your computer could be in serious trouble.
This means that if someone else has access to your computer—for example: another user—they can do anything they want with it. They could delete files and folders; they could change configurations within Windows; they could even install malware onto your system!
Being Afraid to Use the Command Line

You may have heard that Linux users are “command line” people. This is true, but it’s also a bit misleading. The command line is just one way to interact with your computer and do things with it. It’s not the only way (and sometimes, you’ll want to use graphical interfaces).
The terminal is a key component of any operating system. In Windows, for example, users perform most of the actions, including updating the system or installing new software, through the graphical user interface (GUI). However, in Linux, you would be better off performing these tasks with the help of a command line.
You may tend to avoid this command line functionality initially because you are accustomed to GUIs. Another reason could be your misconception that the terminal is difficult to use and can be confusing with its complex commands and limited interface. However, in reality, it offers an advanced user experience compared to GUIs. You won’t only save time but also enjoy a superior user experience.
The command line allows you to type in commands directly into text files and execute them on your system by typing those commands into terminal windows or shells. You can also use tools that make entering these commands easier or more efficient—for example, a graphical user interface (GUI) will let you select buttons instead of typing in parameters every time they need changing; while some GUIs offer drag-and-drop functionality so that inserting media files into an existing project becomes as easy as dragging them from their folder onto another window.
Installing Only One Distribution
The first time you install Linux, it’s tempting to try out as many distributions as possible. But this is a mistake. As the saying goes: if you try to fit a round peg in a square hole, everything will fall apart. You’ll run into problems and waste your time trying to figure out why the setup isn’t working properly—and because there are so many different distributions available, chances are good that some of them will work better than others. So stick with one distribution until you’re sure which one works best for your machine and needs (if any).
If later on down the road when installing another distribution doesn’t work for whatever reason, then don’t worry too much about it; just go back through these steps again from the beginning and start over! There’s no need for anyone reading this article here who wants nothing more than help other beginners get started using Linux properly without making any mistakes themselves along their journey towards learning how best enjoy using this amazing operating system platform which does so much more than just run applications on Windows machines.”
Overlooking CLI Applications and Terminal Emulators
The Linux command line is a powerful tool. It can be used to install software, run commands, get information and much more. You can use it to manage files, processes and even the system itself (the kernel).
If you’re new to Linux or if you’re new to programming in general but would like a way of getting around without using graphical interfaces like Windows or macOS (or even Android), then the terminal will be an indispensable part of your workflow!
Linux is not the same as Windows, but you can learn what makes it great.
If you’re new to Linux, it can be tempting to assume that the OS is similar to Windows. After all, both are operating systems with GUI interfaces and a command line interface (CLI). But if you’re looking for an operating system that works just like Windows but has some benefits of its own—like open source software, greater security and privacy—Linux may be right for your needs.
While there aren’t many differences between the two platforms at first glance (they both use GUIs), there are some key differences worth knowing about before jumping into learning how to use Linux as your primary OS on a new device or computer:
Thinking Linux and Ubuntu Are the Same
If you are new to Linux, you may think that Linux and Ubuntu are the same.However, they are two different things. Linux is the kernel that helps an operating system interact with hardware, while Ubuntu is a Linux distro, or an operating system based on the Linux kernel.
Since Linux is open source, you can easily customize it to create new versions. For example, Ubuntu and Manjaro are operating systems made on top of the Linux kernel that have custom features.
We hope you enjoyed learning about these common mistakes because they are the ones that we made when we first started using Linux. We also want to encourage you to try new things, but with caution. There are many ways to install or use software on Linux, and it takes time to learn them all. You will also need to figure out how much RAM your machine has before installing anything else, so keep this in mind when deciding which distribution is best for your needs
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