Sometimes, hackers take pleasure in scaring or making fun of people by saying that their account has been compromised. They do this by sending people an endless stream of spam SMS messages, making it appear that their account has been compromised.
These spammers either want to scare people or secretly put malicious software on their victims’ phones and other electronic devices. Depending on the specific objectives of the hacker, the basic goal of spam is to make money and gain unauthorized access to the accounts that have been chosen as targets. Spammers come in many forms, including those that spam websites, SMS messages, and emails. In this guide, we’ll show you how mobile spammers work.
Using the SPAMSMS Tool, send spam SMS
NOTE: This tool's only work for Indonesia number phone.
1. The prerequisites must be installed first. Please enter the following commands:
apt update && pkg upgrade
apt install python
apt install git
2. In the second step, type the following command to get the SpamSms tool from GitHub:
git clone
pip install requests mechanize bs4
cd SpamSms
3. After executing the tool, you can now select the service provider whose name appears with the tool. Option 2 will be used for this tutorial. You can use any of the following options:
4. In the next step, enter the phone number of the person to whom you want to send spam messages (Note: Make sure to enter the mobile number with the country code, such as +91 in India, +1 in the United States, and so on):
5. In the next step, enter the number of spam messages you intend to send, as shown below.
After successfully completing steps, the SMS system will automatically begin sending messages.
That’s all there is to it, guys. This is how hackers can distribute spam to their targets. This is only one example. There are numerous tools available on the internet. I just showed this free educational tool. Take care when using such spam tools on the internet.
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