
DEDMAP: A Network Automation Tool Focused on Cyber-Security

DEDMAP is a free and open-source utility that can be found on GitHub. It functions as a scanner, scanning domains and websites. DEDMAP is a robust, cross-platform scanning utility. DEDMAP is a port scanning programme that is very similar to nmap.

It is written in the bash programming language. To use this tool properly, you must have the bash language installed on your Kali Linux system. DEDMAP separates all UDP and TCP protocols into ports ranging from 0 to 65535. These ports are further classified as sub-ranges.

  • System or reserved ports: from 0 to 1023
  • User or registered ports: from 1024 to 49151
  • Dynamic or private ports: from 49151 to 65535

DEDMAP tries to scan a target IP or range of IP’s and find services that are running and listening on some ports. DEDMAP can also scan a range of hosts to find live hosts.



Step 1: Run the command below to download the tool from GitHub.

git clone

Step 2: To install the tool, run the following command.


The tool has been successfully downloaded and installed. Now we’ll look at some instances of how to use the tool.

Usage :-

$ dedmap [–option(s)] [target(s)]

Example 1: Scanning a domain using the DEDMAP tool.

dedmap <domain>
DEDMAP port scanning
port scan

This is how scanning with dedmap is done.

Example 2: Using the dedmap tool to scan various websites.

dedmap -d localhost
  • By default, a TCP scan will be performed if no options are provided.
  • -t option must be exclusively provided if any other option is used like -p or -v or -n.
  • By default, the top 100 commonly used ports will be scanned if no ports are specified.
  • Long Options (–) have more priority.

Options :-

  • -h, –help show this help message and exit
  • -b, –black turn on dark-web mode
  • -s, –silent run in silent mode (remove the dedmap banner)
  • -v, –verbose run in verbose mode
  • -d, –dns performs a DNS lookup
  • -r, –rdns performs a reverse dns lookup
  • -p, –port<port(s)> only scan specified port(s)
  • Ex: -p 21; -p 21,22,23;
  • -p top10; (scan top 10 commonly used ports)
  • -p top100; (scan top 100 commonly used ports)
  • -p top1000; (scan top 1000 commonly used ports)
  • -p system; (scan system ports from 0 to 1023)
  • -p user; (scan user ports from 1024 to 49151)
  • -p private; (scan private ports from 49152 to 65535)
  • -p all; (scan all ports from 0 to 65535)
  • -t, –tcp perform a TCP scan (default scan if NO OPTIONS are specified)
  • -u, –udp perform a UDP scan (Doesn’t seems to work as of now using the socket in python)
  • -n, –net perform a network scan
  • -m, –mode<wan/lan> select the mode for network scan (default = wan)
  • Select lan mode(turbo mode) for better scanning speeds (upto 5x)
  • It is recommended to use the turbo mode only on a lan network
  • as it might result in loss of accuracy in wan networks
  • Ex: -nm lan; -nm wan;
  • -o, –out saves the results in a file
  • Ex: -o report

Additional Notice :-

  • The output file generated is a dedmap file. Cat/Print it to view it’s contents properly in a shell environment.
  • This tool is expected to have lots of bugs as it is in a very early stage.
  • This tool has not been tested in Windows yet and will not work most probably. Feel free to experiment.

Disclaimer :-

  • This tool is made for educational & research purpose only. Use it with/on systems or networks you own or have permission from the owner. I shall not be held responsible for whatsoever you do with this tool.

Also Read:

PhoneSploit Pro: Taking Phone Hacking to the Next Level

Cyberonix: A Valuable Tool for Cybersecurity Professionals

BeEF: An Essential Kali Linux Tool for Penetration Testing

Reportly: is an AzureAD user activity report tool.


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