Google Chrome Getting New Features to Save Battery and Memory
Google Chrome new fetures

Chrome Gets New Features to Save Battery and Memory

Google Chrome Getting New Features to Save Battery and Memory

In the coming weeks, Google will make two new features available for its popular Chrome browser—one that reduces memory usage when several tabs are open and another that uses an energy-saving mode when a laptop battery is low.

Chrome Gets Memory And Power Saving Mods

Google’s Chrome browser has long been plagued by memory-sucking issues—especially when many tabs are open—but the world’s most popular browser has been upgraded to optimise both device battery life and memory usage.

With the latest release of Chrome on desktop, Google will be introducing two new performance settings: Memory Saver and Energy Saver. When used, Google said Chrome will consume up to 40% less memory and extend a device’s battery when it is running low.

Using 40% less memory while running active tabs, the Memory Saver mode in Chrome can save up to memory. This mode may be particularly beneficial when utilizing large-scale websites or apps, and playing online games, for which it can save memory. If you want to use an inactive tab again, it will be reloaded for you to get started.

Chrome Gets Memory And Power Saving Mods ,

In contrast, the Energy Saver mode will help save battery life by limiting background activity and visual effects. So, if you want to search for something quickly using Chrome and your battery level is at 20%, you will still be able to effortlessly make the search.

In the Chrome Settings menu (top right corner), click the three-dotted menu, then choose Settings. The new performance modes will be available and visible near the search bar once both features are enabled.

Both the Memory Saver and Energy Saver modes are now available for Chrome for Desktop and will be delivered to all users globally. What do you think about the new Chrome functions? Please leave your feedback in the comments below.

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