How to make Facebook Phishing Page, how to hack someone facebook account, how to create facebook phishing page, facebook fake page, step by step facebook hacking, phishing protection, hack reveal

How to Make a Fake Facebook Phishing Page

Hacking someone account through Fake Facebook Phishing Page is a thing. Now, there’s a lot of things you can do on Facebook. You can join and even start your own pages and groups, see what posts each member shares, upload your own videos, and more. But, in this post, I’ll be talking about the first, and arguably the most popular, thing you can do: Hacking Facebook accounts. Now, before we get started, let me just mention that this is a very dangerous thing to.

What is Phishing?

Phishing is a practice used to steal sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details. The idea is to trick a user into giving away their login credentials by directing them to a fake website. A phishing page might ask for your email, or details such as your name and your phone number.

Facebook Phishing Disclaimer

When I first heard about Facebook phishing, I thought it sounded like a pretty clever scam. I couldn’t imagine a better way to trick people into giving away their personal information. I mean, if you can fool someone into giving away their personal data, you can essentially hack into any other social media account. See, how you can do that? You just need to create a fake Facebook page for fun, and then possibilities to get a bunch of people to submit their personal data to the page. But you don’t do it. This tutorial is for educational purpose only. I’m not responsible for any kind of phishing activities by Hack Reveal blog readers.

How to Create Facebook Phishing Page

Ever since Facebook’s security breach, many people have become aware of the dangers of phishing and the importance of a secure account. But what if you are not really interested in a secure account? What if you don’t really care about Facebook and instead want to make a phishing page for fun? Here’s how you’d do it in a few easy steps.

Steps to Create Facebook Phishing Page: 

  • Turn ON your Kali Linux
  • Open Terminal and type sudo setoolkit
  • Reply 1st option Social-Engineering Attacks
  • Reply 2nd option Website Attack Vectors
  • Reply 3rd option Credential Harvester Attack Method
  • Then reply to 2nd option Site Cloner
  • Open another terminal and type ifconfig and copy your local IP
  • Get back to the terminal of Social Engineering Toolkit
  • Then type your local IP Address otherwise Hit Enter
  • Enter the URL to clone:
  • OK it’s done. Open any web browser and type
  • Type any username and password and Hit Enter
  • Then fake page will be redirect to real Facebook login page
  • OK Facebook Account Hacking is done. See the password on Setoolkit Terminal.


In conclusion, please be aware of this kind of scam. There is no need to respond to these phishing pages or any unknown links. Also, you can report these phishing pages to Facebook, which can help other people from falling to these scams.


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