PenAndro – Automate Android Pentesting
PenAndro – Automate Android Pentesting

Pen-Andro: The Ultimate Penetration Testing Tool

Pen-Andro is an open-source tool that is available for free on platforms like Github. It is typically used by security researchers, penetration testers, and developers who want to assess the security of their Android applications or systems.

However, it’s important to note that the use of Pen-Andro or any other penetration testing tool should always be done ethically and with the appropriate permissions from the owners of the systems being tested.

The Pen-Andro Script will automate the process of installing the necessary tools and tasks for Android pentesting, such as moving the Burpsuite certificate, installing the Adb frida server, and APKs such as proxy toggling, proxydroid, and adbwifi.


  1. Open Terminal
  2. Run below command
curl -sL | sudo bash 


  • Burpsuite proxy Running at
  • Rooted Android device connected via adb (Only one device should be connected)
  • Magisk App (It will make installation easy )
  • For Android Virtual device – GitHub
  • For Genymotion emulator Blog Link

I want to Install :-

curl -sL | sudo bash



Android Apps

  • Proxy droid
  • ADB wifi
  • Proxy Toggle

Pc Tools

  • Frida, objection & Frida-Server for Android
  • jDax-gui
  • Burpsuite Certificate install
  • scrcpy

Pen Andro FAQs :

  • Burpsuite Error :- Check Proxy tab of Burpsuite at set the proxy as with port 8080
  • Root access Error :- Check If your device is Rooted or not (If not confirmed check
  • Traffic not intercepting :- Reboot the device after Certificate installtion
  • One or more devices conncted :- check with adb devices or try adb kill-server(to remove offline devices)

Download: Pen-Andro

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theHarvester: Best Free Penetration Testing Tool in 2023

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