RapidScan – The Multi-Tool Web Vulnerability Scanner Tool

RapidScan: The Ultimate Multi-Tool Web Vulnerability Scanner

Rapidscan is a web application vulnerability scanner built on Python that has several functionalities. This tool’s main objective is to detect all vulnerabilities through automation by running various scanning programmes to discover flaws. Because it runs several scanning technologies. It can effectively judge false positives and correlate data collectively, all under one roof.

The RapidScan interface is quite similar to Metasploit 1 and Metasploit 2, both of which use a command-line interface with Kali Linux. Use this tool to obtain information about your target (domain), whether it is a website or an IP address.

However, the interactive console offers several useful features, like command completion and contextual help. Rapid Scan is a Python-based web reconnaissance tool. It includes numerous modules, such as database interface, built-in convenience functions, interactive help, and command completion. RapidScan provides a strong platform for conducting open-source web-based reconnaissance and gathering all relevant information about the target.

Features Of RapidScan

  • The interactive interface in RapidScan has a lot of useful features.
  • RapidScan is a web application vulnerability assessment and information gathering tool.
  • To scan IoT devices, RapidScan use the Shodan search engine.
  • RapidScan can easily detect flaws in web application and website code.
  • RapidScan includes the following modules: geolocation, banner capture, DNS lookup, and port scanning. These modules are what make this tool effective.

Vulnerability Checks

  • DNS/HTTP Load Balancers & Web Application Firewalls.
  • Checks for Joomla, WordPress and Drupal
  • SSL related Vulnerabilities (HEARTBLEED, FREAK, POODLE, CCS Injection, LOGJAM, OCSP Stapling).
  • Commonly Opened Ports.
  • DNS Zone Transfers using multiple tools (Fierce, DNSWalk, DNSRecon, DNSEnum).
  • Sub-Domains Brute Forcing (DNSMap, amass, nikto)
  • Open Directory/File Brute Forcing.
  • Shallow XSS, SQLi and BSQLi Banners.
  • Slow-Loris DoS Attack, LFI (Local File Inclusion), RFI (Remote File Inclusion) & RCE (Remote Code Execution).


  • Python 3
  • Kali OS (Preferred, as it is shipped with almost all the tools)
  • Tested with Parrot & Ubuntu Operating Systems.

How To Install RapidScan

1. Clone the tool from github by typing the below command

git clone https://github.com/skavngr/rapidscan.git /opt/
cd rapidscan

2. Now, use the following command to grant the tool permission and the following command to execute the tool.

chmod +x rapidscan.py 

Now the application has been successfully downloaded.

Usage Of RapidScan

1: Scan a website with the RapidScan tool.

./rapidscan.py <domain>

Source – www.Github.com


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