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The Complete Guide to Keyboard Shortcuts in Premiere Pro

Keyboard Shortcuts in Premiere Pro
Best Free Video Editors for Mac,
Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are one of the most powerful tools for video editors. They save time and enhance productivity by allowing you to quickly execute commands without having to search through menus or remember complex key combinations.

In this guide, we will cover all the keyboard shortcuts available in Premiere Pro, as well as how to customize them for your own workflow. With these shortcuts, you can quickly and easily edit videos in Premiere Pro with minimal effort.

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File Keyboard Shortcuts

Project…Ctrl + Alt + NOpt + Cmd + N
Sequence…Ctrl + NCmd + N
BinCtrl + /Cmd + /
Open Project…Ctrl + OCmd + O
Close ProjectCtrl + Shift + WShift + Cmd + W
CloseCtrl + WCmd + W
SaveCtrl + SCmd + S
Save As…Ctrl + Shift + SShift + Cmd + S
Save a Copy…Ctrl + Alt + SOpt + Cmd + S
Batch Capture…F6F6
Import from Media BrowserCtrl + Alt + IOpt + Cmd + I
Import…Ctrl + ICmd + I
Export MediaCtrl + MCmd + M
Get Properties for Selection…Ctrl + Shift + HShift + Cmd + H
ExitCtrl + QCmd + Q

Edit Keyboard Shortcuts

UndoCtrl + ZCmd + Z
RedoCtrl + Shift + ZShift + Cmd + Z
CutCtrl + XCmd + X
CopyCtrl + CCmd + C
PasteCtrl + VCmd + V
Paste InsertCtrl + Shift + VShift + Cmd + V
Paste AttributesCtrl + Alt + VOpt + Cmd + V
ClearDeleteForward Delete
Ripple DeleteShift + DeleteShift + Forward Delete
DuplicateCtrl + Shift + /Shift + Cmd + /
Select AllCtrl + ACmd + A
Deselect AllCtrl + Shift + AShift + Cmd + A
Find…Ctrl + FCmd + F
Edit OriginalCtrl + ECmd + E
Keyboard ShortcutsCtrl + Alt + KCmd + Opt + K

Clip Keyboard Shortcuts

Make Subclip…Ctrl + UCmd + U
Audio Channels…Shift + GShift + G
Audio GainGG
Speed/Duration…Ctrl + RCmd + R
EnableShift + EShift + Cmd + E
LinkCtrl + LCmd + L
GroupCtrl + GCmd + G
UngroupCtrl + Shift + GShift + Cmd + G

Sequence Keyboard Shortcuts

Render Effects in Work AreaEnterEnter
Match FrameFF
Reverse Match FrameShift + RShift + R
Add EditCtrl + KCmd + K
Add Edit to All TracksCtrl + Shift + KShift + Cmd + K
Trim EditShift + TCmd + T
Extend Selected Edit to PlayheadEE
Apply Video TransitionCtrl + DCmd + D
Apply Audio TransitionCtrl + Shift + DShift + Cmd + D
Apply Default Transitions to SelectionShift + DShift + D
Zoom In==
Zoom Out
Next in SequenceShift + ;Shift + ;
Previous in SequenceCtrl + Shift + ;Opt + ;
Snap in TimelineSS
Make Subsequence Shift + UCmd + U
Add new caption trackCtrl + Alt + AOpt + Cmd + A
Add caption at playheadCtrl + Alt + COpt + Cmd + C
Go to next caption segmentCtrl + Alt + DownOpt + Cmd + Down
Go to previous caption segmentCtrl + Alt + UpOpt + Cmd + Up

Markers Keyboard Shortcuts

Mark InII
Mark OutOO
Mark ClipXX
Mark Selection//
Go to InShift + IShift + I
Go to OutShift + OShift + O
Clear InCtrl + Shift + IOpt + I
Clear OutCtrl + Shift + OOpt + O
Clear In and OutCtrl + Shift + XOpt + X
Add MarkerMM
Go to Next MarkerShift + MShift + M
Go to Previous MarkerCtrl + Shift + MShift + Cmd + M
Clear Selected MarkerCtrl + Alt + MOpt + M
Clear All MarkersCtrl + Alt + Shift + MOpt + Cmd + M

Graphics and Titles Keyboard Shortcuts

New Layer
TextCtrl + TCmd + T
RectangleCtrl + Alt + ROpt + Cmd + R
Ellipse Ctrl + Alt + EOpt + Cmd + E
Bring to FrontCtrl + Shift + ]Shift + Cmd + ]
Bring ForwardCtrl + ]Cmd + ]
Send BackwardCtrl  + [Cmd + [
Send to Back Ctrl + Shift + [Shift + Cmd + [
Select Next LayerCtrl + Alt + ]Opt + Cmd + ]
Select Previous LayerCtrl + Alt + [Opt + Cmd + [


Reset to Saved LayoutAlt + Shift + 0Opt + Shift + 0
Audio Clip MixerShift + 9Shift + 9
Audio Track MixerShift + 6Shift + 6
Effect ControlsShift + 5Shift + 5
EffectsShift + 7Shift + 7
Media BrowserShift + 8Shift + 8
Program MonitorShift + 4Shift + 4
ProjectsShift + 1Shift + 1
Source MonitorShift + 2Shift + 2
TimelinesShift + 3Shift + 3


Premiere Pro Help…F1F1

Audio Track Mixer Panel

Show/Hide TracksCtrl + Alt + TOpt + Cmd + T
LoopCtrl + LCmd + L
Meter Input(s) OnlyCtrl + Shift + ICtrl + Shift + I

Capture panel

Record VideoVV
Record AudioAA
Fast ForwardFF
Go to In pointQQ
Go to Out pointWW
Step BackLeftLeft
Step ForwardRightRight

Effect Controls panel

Remove Selected EffectBackspaceDelete
Loop During Audio-Only PlaybackCtrl + LCmd + L

Effects panel

New Custom BinCtrl + /Cmd + /
Delete Custom ItemBackspaceDelete

Essential Graphics panel

New text layerCtrl + TCmd + T
RectangleCtrl + Alt + ROpt + Cmd + R
EllipseCtrl + Alt + EOpt + Cmd + E
Bring to FrontCtrl + Shift + ]Cmd + Shift + ]
Bring ForwardCtrl + ]Cmd + ]
Send BackwardCtrl + [Cmd + [
Send to BackCtrl + Shift + [Cmd + Shift + [
Select Next LayerCtrl + Alt + ]Cmd + Opt + ]
Select Previous LayerCtrl + Alt + [Cmd + Opt + [
Clear Selection BackspaceDelete
Increase Leading by One UnitAlt + UpOpt + Up
Decrease Leading by One UnitAlt + DownOpt + Down
Increase Leading by Five UnitsAlt + Shift + UpOpt + Shift + Up
Decrease Leading by Five UnitsAlt + Shift + DownOpt + Shift + Down
Increase Font Size by One UnitCtrl + Alt + RightOpt + Cmd + Right
Decrease Font Size by One UnitCtrl + Alt + LeftOpt + Cmd + Left
Increase Font Size by Five UnitsCtrl + Alt + Shift + RightOpt + Shift + Cmd + Right
Decrease Font Size by Five UnitsCtrl + Alt + Shift + RightOpt + Shift + Cmd + Left

History panel

Step BackwardLeftLeft
Step ForwardRightRight

Legacy Titler panel

Arc ToolAA
BoldCtrl + BCmd + B
Ellipse ToolEE
Insert Copyright SymbolCtrl + Alt + Shift + COpt + Shift + Cmd + C
Insert Registered SymbolCtrl + Alt + Shift + ROpt + Shift + Cmd + R
ItalicCtrl + ICmd + I
Line ToolLL
Nudge Selected Object Down by Five PixelsShift + DownShift + Down
Nudge Selected Object Down by One PixelDownDown
Nudge Selected Object Left by Five PixelsShift + LeftShift + Left
Nudge Selected Object Left by One PixelLeftLeft
Nudge Selected Object Right by Five PixelsShift + RightShift + Right
Nudge Selected Object Right by One PixelRightRight
Nudge Selected Object Up by Five PixelsShift + UpShift + Up
Nudge Selected Object Up by One PixelUpUp
Pen ToolPP
Position Objects to Bottom Title Safe MarginCtrl + Shift + DShift + Cmd + D
Position Objects to Left Title Safe MarginCtrl + Shift + FShift + Cmd + F
Position Objects to Top Title Safe MarginCtrl + Shift + OShift + Cmd + O
Rectangle ToolRR
Rotation ToolOO
Selection ToolVV
Type ToolTT
UnderlineCtrl + UCmd + U
Vertical Type ToolCC
Wedge ToolWW

Media Browser panel

Open in Source MonitorShift + OShift + O
Select Directory ListShift + LeftShift + Left
Select Media ListShift + RightShift + Right

Metadata panel

LoopCtrl + LCmd + L


Show RulersCtrl + RCmd + R
Show GuidesCtrl + ;Cmd + ;
Snap in Program MonitorCtrl + Shift + ;Shift + Cmd + ;
Lock GuidesCtrl + Alt + Shift + ROpt + Shift + Cmd + R
Nudge Selected Object up by five framesShift + Ctrl + UpShift + Cmd + Up
Nudge Selected Object right by five framesShift + Ctrl + RightShift + Cmd + Right
Nudge Selected Object left by five framesShift + Ctrl + LeftShift + Cmd + Left
Nudge Selected Object down by five framesShift + Ctrl + DownShift + Cmd + Down
Nudge Selected Object up by one frameCtrl + UpCmd + Up
Nudge Selected Object right by one frameCtrl + RightCmd + Right
Nudge Selected Object left by one frameCtrl + LeftCmd + Left
Nudge Selected Object down by one frameCtrl + DownCmd + Down

Project panel

New BinCtrl + BCmd + B
ListCtrl + Page UpCmd + Page Up
IconCtrl + Page DownCmd + Page Down
Hover ScrubShift + HShift + H
Delete Selection with OptionsCtrl + DeleteCmd + Forward Delete
Extend Selection DownShift + DownShift + Down
Extend Selection LeftShift + LeftShift + Left
Extend Selection RightShift + RightShift + Right
Extend Selection UpShift + UpShift + Up
Move Selection DownDownDown
Move Selection EndEndEnd
Move Selection HomeHomeHome
Move Selection LeftLeftLeft
Move Selection Page DownPage DownPage Down
Move Selection Page UpPage UpPage Up
Move Selection RightRightRight
Move Selection UpUpUp
Next Column FieldTabTab
Next Row FieldEnterReturn
Open in Source MonitorShift + OShift + O
Previous Column FieldShift + TabShift + Tab
Previous Row FieldShift + EnterShift + Return
Thumbnail Size NextShift + ]Shift + ]
Thumbnail Size PreviousShift + [Shift + [
Toggle ViewShift + \Shift + \
Zoom In ==
Zoom Out

Source patching and Track targeting

Keyboard shortcutSource patchingTrack targeting
ClickToggle selected stateToggle selected state
Cmd/Ctrl + DragTurn on/off as you click and drag, based on the first trackTurn on/off as you click and drag, based on the first track
DragSwap tracksNot applicable
Shift + DragMove entire set of tracks up or downNot applicable
Shift + ScrollUniformly change all video or audio track heightUniformly change all video or audio track height
Cmd + ScrollmacOS: Scroll timelineWindows: NonemacOS: Scroll timelineWindows: None
Opt + ClickToggle “Gap”Not applicable
Opt + ScrollChange height of single trackChange height of single track
Cmd/Ctrl + Opt + DragToggle “Gap”Not applicable

Timeline panel

Clear SelectionBackspaceDelete
Decrease Audio Tracks HeightAlt + –Opt + –
Decrease Video Tracks HeightCtrl + –Cmd + –
Increase Audio Tracks HeightAlt + =Opt + =
Increase Video Tracks HeightCtrl + =Cmd + =
Nudge Clip Selection Left Five FramesAlt + Shift + LeftShift + Cmd + Left
Nudge Clip Selection Left One FrameAlt + LeftCmd + Left
Nudge Clip Selection Right Five FramesAlt + Shift + RightShift + Cmd + Right
Nudge Clip Selection Right One FrameAlt + RightCmd + Right
Ripple DeleteAlt + BackspaceOpt + Delete
Set Work Area Bar In PointAlt + [Opt + [
Set Work Area Bar Out PointAlt + ]Opt + ]
Show Next ScreenPage DownPage Down
Show Previous ScreenPage UpPage Up
Slide Clip Selection Left Five FramesAlt + Shift + ,Opt + Shift + ,
Slide Clip Selection Left One FrameAlt + ,Opt + ,
Slide Clip Selection Right Five FramesAlt + Shift + .Opt + Shift + .
Slide Clip Selection Right One FrameAlt + .Opt + .
Slip Clip Selection Left Five FramesCtrl + Alt + Shift + LeftOpt + Shift + Cmd + Left
Slip Clip Selection Left One FrameCtrl + Alt + LeftOpt + Cmd + Left
Slip Clip Selection Right Five FramesCtrl + Alt + Shift + RightOpt + Shift + Cmd + Right
Slip Clip Selection Right One FrameCtrl + Alt + RightOpt + Cmd + Right


Premiere Pro keyboard shortcut keys can be used for all of the typical video editing activities needed to produce high-definition video broadcast quality. It is used to import video, audio and graphics, as well as create new converted video versions that can be exported to media and distribution formats. When creating videos with Premiere Pro, individual movies and still photos can be edited together. Titles, filters and other effects can be applied to the video.

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