World’s Most Beautiful and Famous Female Hackers

The World’s Top 8 Most Famous Female Hacker

A handful of women were brave enough to enter the world of hacking and made their mark. They are known for their resourceful nature and their knowledge of complex theories. No matter what a hacker may do, they are known for being resourceful and knowledgeable about complex theories.

These women have been credited with some major breakthroughs that changed the perceptions of hacking. These women have hacked their way into our hearts and minds. They’ve changed the way we think about hacking and security.

Meet the world’s most beautiful and notorious female hackers. They’re not just pretty faces – they’re some of the best computer programmers on the planet. These women have hacked their way into our lives, but what makes them so special? Find out why these women are considered the world’s most beautiful & notorious female hackers. Let’s take a look at some of these women.

1.  Ying Cracker

 Ying Cracker
Female Hacker

Ying Cracker is one of the top female hackers in China. She teaches students how to hack computers and is considered to be one of the best teachers in the country. When it comes to the world famous forum called Chinese Hottie Hackers, Ying Cracker can easily be seen as the teacher who gives students their first taste in this unique field.

She is an expert in hacking software writing and charges good money for courses on simple and for high-end hacking tools. Cracker also charges between 500-5000 Yuan per class for helping other people crack software.

2.  Adeanna Cooke 

Adeanna Cooke  female hacker

Adeanna Cooke is a former Playboy model and ethical hacker. She is self-trained and became famous when an old friend of hers wanted to make money by placing her face on another body without clothes, using a photo montage.

But, when she saw the naked photos of herself on some random unauthorized websites, she immediately took the matter into her own hands and hacked the websites herself without informing or asking for help from the authorities.

After this event, Cooke was named “Hacker Fairy” and found her place in the hacking industry. She now dedicates her time to helping professional models and other women from being taken advantage of online. This incident made her very strong and she quickly became a famous female hacker.

3. Xiao Tian

Xiao Tian

Many young girls are turning to technology, and Xiao was no exception. She created a hacking group called the ‘China Girl Security Team’, which quickly became one of the most famous hacking groups in the world, with over 2,200 members. The group has been repeatedly warned by the police and intelligence agencies due to their hacking activities.

4. Kristina Svechinskaya

Kristina Vladimirovna Svechinskaya

Svechinskaya is a Russian money mule hacker who is accused of defrauding several British and U.S. banks of large sums of money. A student at New York University, she is also known for using false passports in her crimes.

By specializing in the use of Zeus Trojan horses, she was able to hack the servers of thousands of bank accounts – most within the United States. She then used these fake accounts to receive $35,000 through Bank of America and Wachovia.

It is estimated that in a few months’ time, Svechinskaya stole $3 million. Because of her raunchy but casual appearance, she was given the title “the world’s sexiest computer hacker”.

Kristina was arrested in 2011 but released on bail after signing a bond and paying $25,000. If she had been convicted, she could have been imprisoned for more than 40 years.

5. Joanna Rutkowska

Joanna Rutkowska

She has also written numerous papers on security topics, such as the security of virtualization and cloud computing. She is the founder of Qubes OS, a Linux-based operating system that seeks to improve security by isolating different aspects of the OS.

Joanna Rutkowska is one of the best examples that not all hackers are bad. She’s famous for demonstrating the vulnerabilities in Windows Vista during the 2006 Defcon conference.

She also revealed a technique called “Blue Pill” which allows you to transfer your running Operating System onto a virtual machine.She usually delivers lectures at different Seminars and works with big security firms.

Joanna Rutkowska is one of the best examples that not all hackers are bad. She’s famous for demonstrating the vulnerabilities in Windows Vista during the 2006 Defcon conference.

She also revealed a technique called “Blue Pill” which allows you to transfer your running Operating System onto a virtual machine.She usually delivers lectures at different Seminars and works with big security firms.

6. Anna Chapman

Anna Chapman

Anna Chapman is a Russian hacker who is best known for her role in a 2010 espionage scandal. She was arrested  on 27 June 2010 in the United States and later deported to Russia as part of a prisoner exchange.

Anna Chapman was arrested and charged with working for an illegal spy ring under the external intelligence agency known as the SVR (Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki) of the Russian Federation.

She was found guilty of conspiracy to act as an agent of a foreign government without notifying the US Attorney General, lost her US citizenship, and was then deported back to Russia.

Chapman has been praised by Russian officials for her work as a spy, and she has been featured in numerous Russian media outlets.

7.  Kim Vanvaeck (Gigabyte)

Kim Vanvaeck (Gigabyte)

Gigabyte, or Kim Vanvaeck, is a Belgian-born hacker known for her work creating destructive viruses like Coconut-A, Sahay-A, and Sharp-A. These viruses targeted hardware with sensitive information and destroyed the data instead of stealing it. Many other hackers create viruses for financial gain, but Gigabyte’s viruses were meant to cause havoc and destruction.

She is currently accused of stealing and destroying private data, for which she is facing a potential sentence of 3 years in prison and fines exceeding 100,000 Euros.

8. Raven Adler

The first woman to ever reach the Hacker Conference of Defcon, she designed many systems that could detect hacks and unknown entries into a system through security holes. By helping DefCon fill those security holes, she has now become a senior security officer at the company and gives presentations on hacking and penetration. She also works with several federal firms to help protect their online databases from being hacked.


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