Arduino vs Raspberry Pi

Difference Between Arduino and Raspberry Pi

Two of the most popular microcontrollers are Arduino and Raspberry Pi. The Arduino is based on the ATmega family and has a simpler design and software structure. The Raspberry Pi is a single-board computer. Both have a CPU which executes instructions, timers, memory and I/O pins. The key distinction between the two microcontrollers is that Arduino has strong I/O capabilities to drive external hardware directly, while Raspberry Pi has weak I/O and requires transistors to drive external hardware.

Both devices are great for learning about electronics and programming. Which one should you buy? Read on to find out more!

Arduino vs Raspberry Pi


Audrino is a small, inexpensive, open-source computer that can read inputs (like light on a sensor, fingers on a button, or tweets on a Twitter account) and based on those inputs produce outputs (like turning on an LED or moving a motor). Audrinos were originally developed at Ivrea Interaction Research Center as an easy tool aimed towards students who had no experience in electronics and programming. Since then, they’ve gained popularity and have been adapted to meet new needs and challenges. Because of their simplicity and ease of use, they have empowered many projects, from household devices to complex scientific instruments.


  1. CPU architecture: 8-bit
  2. It uses very little RAM, 2 kB
  3. It clocks a processing speed of 16 MHz
  4. It is cheaper in cost
  5. It has a higher I/O current drive strength
  6. It consumes about 200 MW of power
  7. Its logic level is 5V
  8. The control unit of Arduino is from the Atmega family
  9. Arduino is based on a microcontroller
  10. It is designed to control the electrical components connected to the circuit board in a system
  11. Arduino boards have a simple hardware and software structure
  12. While the Arduino does not have internet support, it does have higher current drive strength.
  13. Additionally, some of the applications of Arduino include traffic light countdown timers and weighing machines.

Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi

A small, fully functioning computer that can be plugged directly into a monitor, keyboard, and a mouse. It has all the qualities of a PC – a dedicated processor, memory and a graphics card. It even has its very own operating system called Raspberry PI OS which is an optimized variation of Linux.

Raspberry Pi does not offer any storage space, but you can use Micro SD cards to store whatever OS you like. It offers Bluetooth, Ethernet and Wi-Fi based connectivity, so it can be used to transfer files across the internet.

Raspberry Pi was designed and developed by a group of engineers at Cambridge University who wanted to create a low cost device that could be used to teach children about programming. Since its release, Raspberry Pi has been a popular choice among hobbyists and students alike.


  1. Raspberry Pi’s CPU architecture is 64 bit.
  2. Raspberry Pi requires more RAM, 1 GB.
  3. Raspberry Pi clocks a processing speed of 1.4 GHz.
  4. Raspberry Pi is more expensive.
  5. Raspberry Pi has a lower I/O current drive strength.
  6. it consumes about 700 MW of power.
  7. Raspberry Pi is based on a microprocessor.
  8. the control unit of Raspberry Pi is from the ARM family.
  9. Raspberry Pi computes data and produces valuable outputs and controls components in a system based on the outcome of its computation.
  10. Raspberry Pi boards have a complex architecture of hardware and software.
  11. The Raspberry Pi has an inbuilt Ethernet port and WiFi support,
  12. it is a perfect choice for stop motion cameras, robot controllers and game servers. Additionally, its lower current drive strength makes it ideal for applications where power consumption is a concern.

Good And Bad Things Of Raspberry Pi


  • Raspberry Pi is a credit card-sized computer that can be used for various purposes.
  • It supports an operating system and can perform complex operations like weather monitoring and controlling robots.
  • You can use it as a portable computer because it has everything you need, from a CPU to an ethernet port and WiFi support.
  • Raspberry Pi also has a large number of GPIO (General-Purpose Input/Output) pins (the famous model has 40 GPIO pins), which means it can support a large number of sensors.
  • the 4 B variant of Raspberry Pi comes with a 1.6 GHz processor for superior processing power. And last but not least, Raspberry Pi can run all kinds of applications, including MS Office and email.


  • The Raspberry Pi is a great little computer, but it has a few limitations.
  • First, the hardware and software are closed-source, so you can’t customize your own Raspberry Pi.
  • Second, the Raspberry Pi doesn’t have any internal storage, so you’ll need a micro SD card to use it as internal storage.
  • Lastly, the Raspberry Pi can sometimes overheat during heavy operations.

Good And Bad Things Of Arduino


One of the advantages of Arduino is that both its hardware and software are open source. This means that you can either use existing codes or customize your own Arduino board. another advantage is that it is less expensive than Raspberry Pi.

It is also easy to learn and use, making it a good choice for beginners. In addition, Arduino can be programmed quite easily through an IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

Finally, Arduino has a large community and a wide range of applications.


The Arduino has very limited processing power when compared to the Raspberry Pi. It’s 8-bit CPU architecture prevents it from being able to handle complex tasks, and its lack of internet and wireless connectivity makes it difficult to run programs that require those features. If you’re planning on working on bigger and more demanding projects, it might be best to upgrade to the Raspberry Pi.


Both Arduino and Raspberry PI have their advantages and disadvantages, depending on what kind of project you’re working on. For example, if your project involves lots of repetitive tasks, then Arduino would be the better option. On the other hand, if your project needs to do something really complicated, then Raspberry Pi would be the better choice. I hope this helps!

Also Read:

What is Raspberry Pi and What can you do with a Raspberry Pi?


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