Osintgram is a OSINT tool on Instagram

Osintgram – A OSINT Tool On Instagram

Osintgram is a OSINT tool on Instagram. It offers an interactive shell to perform analysis on Instagram account of any users by its nickname.

Disclaimer: FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY! The contributors do not assume any responsibility for the use of this tool.

Warning: It is advisable to not use your own/primary account when using this tool.

Tools and Commands 🧰

Osintgram offers an interactive shell to perform analysis on Instagram account of any users by its nickname. You can get:

- addrs           Get all registered addressed by target photos
- captions        Get user's photos captions
- comments        Get total comments of target's posts
- followers       Get target followers
- followings      Get users followed by target
- fwersemail      Get email of target followers
- fwingsemail     Get email of users followed by target
- fwersnumber     Get phone number of target followers
- fwingsnumber    Get phone number of users followed by target
- hashtags        Get hashtags used by target
- info            Get target info
- likes           Get total likes of target's posts
- mediatype       Get user's posts type (photo or video)
- photodes        Get description of target's photos
- photos          Download user's photos in output folder
- propic          Download user's profile picture
- stories         Download user's stories  
- tagged          Get list of users tagged by target
- wcommented      Get a list of user who commented target's photos
- wtagged         Get a list of user who tagged target

You can find detailed commands usage here.

Latest version | Commands | CHANGELOG

Installation ⚙️

  • Fork/Clone/Download this repo
git clone https://github.com/Datalux/Osintgram.git
  • Navigate to the directory
cd Osintgram
  • Run
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Create a subdirectory config
mkdir config

Create in config folder the file: username.conf and write your Instagram account username

Create in config folder the file: pw.conf and write your Instagram account password

Create in config folder the file: settings.json and write the following string: “{}”

Run the main.py script

python3 main.py

Use Osintgram v2 (beta)

You can use Osintgram2 beta just switching to v2 branch. The v2 has some improvements and faster with a new command execution interface. Try it just running git checkout v2.


Can I access the contents of a private profile? 

No, you cannot get information on private profiles. You can only get information from a public profile or a profile you follow. The tools that claim to be successful are scams!

What is and how I can bypass the challenge_required error? 

The challenge_required error means that Instagram notice a suspicious behavior on your profile, so needs to check if you are a real person or a bot. To avoid this you should follow the suggested link and complete the required operation (insert a code, confirm email, etc)

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