The 6 Best Free Blockchain Analytics Tools
Blockchain Analytics Tools

The 6 Best Free Blockchain Analytics Tools

Blockchain analytics tools are a great way for businesses to gain insights into the blockchain technology and its applications. These tools provide an easy way to analyze data from the blockchain, allowing users to explore its potential use cases.

Because the bitcoin market is famously complex and volatile, it is critical to have a process in place to understand its behaviour. To fulfil this need, blockchain analysis tools provide investors with various metrics and statistics for deciphering market patterns.

The free version of Blockchain analytics tools can be used to gain an understanding of the technology and how it works, as well as providing simple visualization capabilities. With these tools, businesses can quickly identify trends in their data and make informed decisions about their investments in the blockchain space.

Additionally, they can also use Blockchain analytics tools to monitor transactions on the network and detect any suspicious activity. We’ve compiled a list of the top 6 free blockchain analytics tools to assist you in interpreting data and making informed investing decisions.

1. Explorer Explorer is a website where you can find information about Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Ethereum. You can search for transactions, addresses, and blocks.

For example, if you want to see all the transactions that have been made to a specific Bitcoin address. You can type in the address bar on the website and it will show you all the transactions that have been made to that address.

You can also look at individual blocks on the blockchain and see how many transactions are in each block. The website also shows real-time statistics about the networks, like how fast they are working.

Developers can also use the website’s tools to build their own applications. Overall, the website is a helpful tool for people who want to learn more about Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Ethereum, and see how they work.


  • Transaction search: Users can search for individual transactions. By entering the transaction hash, public address, or block height.
  • Address lookup: Users can look up specific public addresses and view their transaction history, balance, and other details.
  • Block explorer: Users can explore individual blocks on the blockchain and view information. Such as block height, timestamp, and transaction count.
  • Network statistics: Explorer provides real-time statistics on the Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Ethereum network., Including hash rate, difficulty, and number of nodes.
  • API access: Developers can access Explorer’s API to integrate blockchain data into their applications.

2. DeFi Llama

Decentralised finance (DeFi) Llama is a premier tool for studying these projects. It provides aggregated data for various market indicators, enabling you to monitor a project’s progress. You may quickly locate high-performing liquidity pools using the platform’s sorted list of trading pairs. You can also monitor staking, borrowing, lending, liquidity, and other DeFi activity with DeFi Llama’s user-friendly dashboard.

This platform is well-known for its ability to provide precise information on the total value locked (TVL) for a given protocol. TVL is a crucial metric for DeFi, as it represents the total amount of tokens that have been deposited into a protocol. A higher TVL is generally indicative of investor confidence in the project. Additionally, TVL can be used to compare a token’s market cap and pricing.

DeFi Llama is an open-source platform with a decentralised system that is maintained by a team of data analytics contributors. Currently, the platform supports over 150 blockchains and over 1,500 DeFi protocols.


  • Project tracking: DeFi Llama allows you to track the performance of different DeFi projects and see how they’re performing in real time. You can see how much money is locked in each project. The current value of that money, and how much it has increased or decreased over time.
  • Portfolio tracking: You can create a portfolio on DeFi Llama to track the value of your DeFi investments. You can add and remove different DeFi projects as you invest in them and see how your overall portfolio is performing.
  • Project information: DeFi Llama provides detailed information about each DeFi project.
  • News and updates: DeFi Llama provides news and updates about different DeFi projects. So you can stay informed about the latest developments in the DeFi space.



Nansen is a tool that helps people understand what is happening on a blockchain network called Ethereum. This allows users to see who is sending and receiving digital tokens (such as cryptocurrency) and how much they are sending.

Nansen also provides additional features such as the ability to add notes to certain addresses or trace connections between different addresses on a network.

Overall, Nansen is helpful for anyone who wants to use data to make better decisions when it comes to investing in cryptocurrencies or using DeFi platforms.


  • Wallet tracking: Nansen’s platform allows users to track and analyze the token holdings and transactions of specific wallets on the blockchain.
  • Real-time alerts: Users can set up alerts to receive notifications when specific transactions occur on the blockchain. Such as large transfers of funds or transactions involving specific wallets.
  • Address labeling: Users can label specific addresses with personalized notes to keep track of important information about different wallets or transactions.
  • Social graph analysis: Nansen enables users to explore the relationships between different wallets and addresses on the blockchain, providing insights into the behavior of different users on the network.
  • Token tracking: Users can track the movements and trading volumes of specific tokens on the blockchain, helping them to stay up-to-date with the latest market trends and make data-driven investment decisions.


4. Etherscan

If you use Ethereum, you’ve probably heard of Etherscan. So, what exactly is Etherscan and how does it function? It’s a blockchain analysis tool targeted to the Ethereum community. Its search bar, blockchain explorer, and API make it easier for Ethereum users to track data. You can simply check numerous indicators such as transaction volumes, addresses, gas prices, and more with Etherscan’s tools.

The platform’s most notable feature, however, is its capacity to verify smart contracts. Etherscan allows you to track every pending Ethereum transaction in real time.

You can input the transaction ID or wallet address of the sender or receiver into the platform’s search bar. When you start a search, Etherscan immediately displays the transaction history and other relevant information.


  • Transaction tracking
  • Contract verification
  • Token tracking
  • Address monitoring
  • Gas tracking


5. DappRadar

DappRadar is a website that gives you information about various apps that run on blockchains, which are like digital ledgers. It tells you how many people are using these apps, how long they use them, and how much money is being spent on them.

You can also find out about the specific digital tokens used on these apps, and see how well they are doing. DappRadar also ranks these apps based on different factors, such as how many people are using them, so you can discover popular apps.

Additionally, you can use DappRadar to keep track of your own investments in these apps and tokens. Overall, DappRadar is a useful tool for anyone who wants to stay up-to-date on the decentralized app ecosystem and make informed decisions about investing in these apps and tokens.


  • Dapp tracking
  • User analytics
  • Token tracking
  • Dapp rankings
  • Portfolio management


6. Cointracking

Cointracking is a tool that helps people keep track of their cryptocurrency investments and how they have been doing over time. It can connect to many different cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets in order to aggregate all information about the user’s investments. This helps the users to keep an eye on their profits and losses.

Cointracking can also assist users with their taxes. It can generate reports showing how much money was earned or lost from cryptocurrency investments, which can be helpful when it comes time to file taxes. It supports tax reports for a number of different countries.

Cointracking has different plans to choose from, which include a free trial with limited features. It is available in multiple languages and has a mobile app that can be downloaded on iOS and Android devices.


  • Portfolio tracking:
  • Performance tracking:
  • Tax reporting:
  • Trade analysis


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